This week has been a crazy one for sure! I’ve been in an amazing course that I’m doing for work, but it’s really taking it out of me as I feel like my brain is having to work twice as hard. Does anyone else find that in courses they are constantly hungry? I mean normally I would just have lunch at work and not worry about a snack or anything, but I find at courses I am constantly wanting to eat! It could be all the good food they put out that is oh so tempting (brownies, cheesecakes, you know the drill) but I feel like it’s also because you’re learning which does take a lot more energy.
So this week I had a friend over for dinner again, and I decided to cook something that was full of protein to hopefully keep my hunger at bay so I don’t cave on the brownies. I am loving having friends over instead of going out now that I have a kitchen that I love cooking in. There’s something about being able to relax and enjoy a meal without having to pick a restaurant to go to. Plus, the wine is a lot cheaper!
I found a recipe from Jamie Oliver that I thought sounded good, and of course adapted it to make my very own that was more to my tastes. If you are just getting into cooking, I would highly recommend his 15 minute meal cook books. The meals never actually take 15 minutes, but they are delicious and really simple to make! It was one of the first cook books I started off cooking from, so take it from me that you can learn to cook using it! Now that I am a bit more seasoned in the kitchen though, I will sometimes use cookbooks to inspire what I cook, and then adapt it to make it my own, or so I don’t have to go to the shops!
This chicken salad has all the delicious flavours of mexican cooking. It is fresh, light and the thing I love most about it is how colourful it is! If you’ve had a tough day, it’s hard to remain down in the dumps when your dinner is so vibrant and colourful! Trust me, we could all use a little Mexican Fiesta on a weeknight, and this salad totally delivers that, without being unhealthy. Normally I wouldn’t really eat quinoa as I try to minimise my carbs, but quinoa is a great alternative to rice as it is packed full of protein, which keeps you full for longer!

- 1 cup mixed quinoa, rinsed
- 1 handful baby spinach
- 2 spring onions, chopped
- 1 red chilli, chopped
- 1 bunch of coriander
- 300 grams chicken breast
- 1 tsp smoked paprika
- 1 tsp ground allspice
- 1/2 tsp cumin
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1 tsp olive oil
- juice of one lime
- 2 tomatoes, diced
- 2 cucumbers, diced
- 1/2 mango, peeled and diced
- 1 avocado, seeded, peeled and diced
- 1/2 bag of crunchy salad mix (red cabbage, carrot and corn)
Place the rinsed quinoa in a saucepan and cover with water. Cook over a medium heat, covered, until the water has been soaked in and the quinoa has cooked through. Set aside with the lid on.
Cut the chicken breast so that it lies flat, and rub in the salt and pepper, smoked paprika, ground allspice and cumin on both sides.
Over a medium heat, heat the olive oil in a frypan. Place the chicken in once hot and cook on both sides until the chicken is cooked through and the spices have formed a dark crust around the chicken.
Meanwhile, in a food processor, combine the baby spinach, 3/4 of the coriander, chilli and spring onions. Set aside until the chicken and quinoa are cooked.
To serve, combine the quinoa and the ingredients from the food processor and place on a platter. Add the avocado, mango, tomatoes, cucumber and crunchy salad mix, stirring to combine.
Take the chicken out of the pan and slice on a chopping board, then place on top of the salad. Pour the lime juice over the top and sprinkle the remaining coriander over the salad.
I first had Jerk chicken in America, and I’ve tried to replicate it a few times with varied success. However, I think I finally got close to it whilst still producing something a lot healthier than what I would have had in America. I loved how the spices created a nice crispy layer around the chicken that blackened, but left the chicken inside perfectly cooked.
This is such a great recipe now that the weather is heating up. Although it is packed full of protein, the salad is fresh, light and ultimately delicious! It’s full of those classic Mexican flavours, with the addition of mango that I’ve never tried before and absolutely loved. Honestly, I love a good salad for dinner, and this one doesn’t feel like you’re eating another salad, because it isn’t boring! You can have something healthy whilst eating delicious food, sometimes you just have to think outside the box!
This recipe was also perfect for a weeknight cook as you can finish it in under 30 minutes. I love how quick it is to toss all the ingredients together once you have them cooked up, and you can easily chop the salad ingredients while you wait for the quinoa and chicken to cook to save on even more time!
What’s your favourite salad recipe? I’m always looking for new ones to try!
Until next time, happy eating!
Ella xx