New Beginnings: Why I’ve changed my blog

December 3, 2015 0 Comments

First off welcome to my new blog! I’m super excited to unveil it all to you today! I hope you are as excited to check it out as I am to finally send it live, after weeks of planning and prepping.

Hi everyone. If you are still with me, I have taken a bit of a risk and decided to change my blog. And I figured, rather than writing a recipe this week as I normally would, it would be better to explain to you why I have done this.

It’s been almost a year since I started the Serial Pinner blog. I started it as a way to get myself into writing again, but more importantly as a way to pursue my love of cooking. I had always had a real hobby in the website Pinterest, and I thought this was a good place to start. This was I suppose where I got the idea for the blog; where I would try recipes from Pinterest that I had ‘Pinned’ and see how they actually turned out. I figured this was something that no one had really done before, and that it would help me to link my enjoyment of looking through recipes on the site with my interest in starting a food blog.

As a project, the Serial Pinner was a good one. It got me into the kitchen more, and most importantly it got me trying new recipes that I wouldn’t normally think to try. It certainly helped to give me some inspiration each week to bring to the blog, and was a great starting point for each post. I think Pinterest as a community for sharing recipes and ideas is a great website, and I think I will always use it personally.

However, I have felt lately that my blog has moved forward from this. I’ve found myself becoming more interested in tweaking the recipes I’m trying and putting my own spin on them, rather than testing them to the tee to see how they turn out. I’ve also become more interested in trying out things outside of Pinterest, and perhaps exploring making my own recipes for you to try. On top of this, I’ve become really interested in Instagramming and sharing my love of food with everyone beyond the blog. I think the blog and where I want to take it has really changed from my initial concept, and I started to feel constrained by my initial idea.

So I decided to take a risk and change my blog name. As much as I am a little concerned about my own brand and how this might affect it, I see changing the blog as a new beginning, which I believe will allow me to really pursue my passion in food. Rather than being constrained to one idea, I will be able to actually do what I enjoy without trying to make it fit in to an initial concept. I think that the change will be a positive one that can only allow my blog to improve from here.

I hope no one was really attached to the Serial Pinner as a name. I think as a blog name it doesn’t really describe who I am, and so I’m thinking that this rebranding will really allow me to be myself with my writing and my sharing.

I’ve been working on this redesign for a good couple of months now, really trying to make sure I am 100% happy and that the change is completely me. Because I am so sure of the change, I have also decided to purchase a domain name and really make it a full on serious hard core food blog! Which unfortunately means that the serial pinner will no longer be live for your enjoyment, because I’ve had to move everything across. Good news is that you will be able to find all my previous recipes on the new blog! They are just in a new and improved location, so don’t worry about missing out on those yummy recipes!

When it came to the name, I think the idea just appeared in my head and really stuck. I think Ella Eats really encompasses my passion for food, and I think it has a nice ring to it! I think it suits me a little more, and so I am confident that I will really put everything I’ve got into this blog. I am so excited for what the future is going to hold for my blog, and I hope you enjoy the next phase as much as I will enjoy writing it for you!

Thanks to everyone for all your support over the past months, its been awesome to have such great feedback! I really hope you enjoy the new blog even more than the Serial Pinner, I personally think its great! After a lot of effort put into the first blog, I am really excited to see where this next chapter will take it!

Please check out the new blog at this link, and let me know what you think. I would love feedback, and of course subscribers if you are as excited as me for the new blog!

Next week will be my first post to the new Ella Eats website, so stayed tuned!

Until next time, happy eating

Ella xx

Ella Eats